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Companies often send us products to review and/or to giveaway.  If a product was supplied for free for testing and review purposes, a disclaimer will be added at the end of the blog post.  If a travel destination has extended free admission, lodging or other comped amenities in association with travel, that will be disclosed at the end of the blog post.  While we are grateful for free products and services to review and share with our readers, this does not sway our review process.

Affiliate Links

Links might contain affiliate links, which means that we earn a portion of the sale or a set amount of money with each referral that we make. We would not suggest that you buy a product or join a program that we wouldn’t recommend without payment. Any money that we do make goes towards the maintenance of the website.

Kimberly Button is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


All information, images and videos contained on this site are copyrighted and protected by law. If you intend to use pictures, please ask permission before posting. Same goes for using our blog posts and writing. No one is authorized to repost our blog posts on their site, in portion or in full, without express written permission.