Even with an Express Pass, sometimes you are standing in line for a ride at Universal Studios and suddenly need to go to the bathroom! While adults can sometimes control that urge, small children can’t! What are you supposed to do if you have to go to the restroom and you are stuck in a long attraction line?

Are There Bathrooms in Ride Lines at Universal Studios?
No, there are no bathrooms in the long queue lines at Universal Studios theme parks.
Bathrooms are conveniently located outside of the entrance to ride lines. However, once you are in line you will not have the opportunity to go to the bathroom.
This makes sense because there is no way to keep a line moving while everyone stops and goes inside a restroom for a potty break.
What Do I Do If I Need to Use the Bathroom While Waiting in Line?
Whether you need to use the bathroom or your kids suddenly have to go potty, there are a few ways to get a toilet break without having to give up your space in line.
- If you are traveling with other members of your party, you may be able to leave the line to go to the bathroom and then rejoin your group. Some queue lines are easier to re-enter and pass the other guests compared to others.
- When leaving the queue line and knowing you will be returning, sometimes it is appropriate to make ey contact with a few other guests, or lightly joke that you will be seeing them again in a few minutes when you need to return. No one like a line-hopper trying to get ahead of everyone waiting patiently. So a few people who remember you along the way as you come back through certainly won’t be a bad thing.
- Keep in mind that if part of your party remains in line, they will need to continue moving along with the movement of the queue line. If for some reason they reach the boarding area before you return, they will need to explain the situation and hope that the team members allow them to wait somewhere out of the way until you return.
- Members of your party can keep you updated on how far they are from the boarding area by texting you as you are gone.
- If you find that your party is about ready to board, you could ask a team member if it was possible to rejoin your party by going through the exit line. This is another important reason why you would want to be nice to those on your way out, even the team member at the front of the line. You could quickly explain the situation, that you suddenly need to use the bathroom and your family is almost ready to board. They will be more likely to remember you and help you out when you return.
Single Riders
What happens if you are a solo traveler or an adult traveling with kids that can’t be left alone in the queue line?
Do not feel that you have to give up your space in line and waste all of that time before you duck out of line.
Ask the party in front of you or behind you if they could hold your place in line when you go to the restroom. They will probably understand the situation, especially if they have kids and you are leaving to let your child go to the restroom.
Related Post: Single Rider Lines at Universal Studios
How to Avoid Needing to Go to the Bathroom While Waiting in Line
- Know you limits. If you always have to go to the bathroom 45 minutes after your hot cup of coffee in the morning or drinking alcoholic drinks at Universal Studios, don’t expect your pattern to be any different even if you are standing in a long line.
- In a line that is more than 30 minutes long? Then stop drinking as you wait. While you need to stay hydrated, drinking soda or water as a form of entertainment can make you go to the bathroom more quickly, which can be a problem if the line is an hour or longer.
- Always go to the bathroom before getting into line. Especially with kids.